Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 88.

Dear New Husband,

How weird is it that we were in Paris this morning and now we are back to our apartment in Texas? Nutso! I'll never get over technology. I mean, we pretty much time traveled today! We went BACK IN TIME. What the what?! It could be the intense lack of sleep, or the fact that my body thinks its currently 4 am, talking but we did time travel today. And we got on demand videos on our flight from Paris to the states.

I feel like we won the airline lottery. First with Turkish Airlines awesomeness and then the 10 hour flight back to 'Merica. Maybe this will make up for all the crappy domestic flights we have been in our combined years of life. . . Probably not. Despite these niceties, international travel is not for the faint hearted. So next time I try to dream international dreams, gently remind me of how tired I am at this point.

Except don't do that because all of the tired is so incredibly worth it.

I am so exhausted and so happy to be falling asleep in our bed, in our apartment, next to you.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

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