Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 178.

Dear New Husband,

I've had a weird day. Well. Not weird. Just reflective. 

First, it was reflecting on a job I've had for 3 years and how I've seen that job evolve, and mold itself into something amazing. I don't know how I got so blessed and privilege to do the job I do. 

Second, it was reflecting on being engaged, per the engaged co-worker we have leaving our office to go get hitched. That season of life was pretty miserable. Everyone makes it sound like it is a joyous time. Yeah, it is. But it is so full with plans and whirly gigs and hulabaloo and putting out emotional fires [Either mine or others'] on a daily basis. Plus, the weight of wanting to be married; of wanting this new season to come charging in, while trying to make sure everyone involved with our wedding felt loved, cared for and had attention paid to them. It was exhausting. I still remember all the tears that were shed from August 2011 - March 2012 regarding our wedding planning/work/graduate school/saying goodbye to being single.

And then I remember the joy on the evening of March 11th when we arrived to our bed & breakfast, tucked away in Sonoma wine country, realizing that it was all worth it. Because I had you to be my partner for life.

Everyday, it is worth it.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

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