Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 265.

Dear New Husband,

We only have 100 days left of letters. Where does time go? Fortunately, for us, time has gone into investing into each other, time has gone into spending lots of time in airports, time has gone into school work, time has gone into figuring out how money exactly works - and how you do that thing rich people do where you take money and turn it into more money, time has gone into realizing that holy crap - we committed the rest of our lives to this person and they are really annoying me, time has gone into realizing holy crap - we committed the rest of our lives to this person and I have never accomplished anything to deserve the sacrifice they put into this weird marriage thing.

As Ferris Bueller once said "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Thankful that these letters are a reflection of looking around at this weird process of learning another person, and learning myself with another person.

And I'm thankful that you're off in the woods so I can hog up the whole bed.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 264.

Dear New Husband,

With assignments, stress ulcers, and tears inevitably on the horizon for me, it was nice to be able to have a date night with you. Granted, I wish we had known a little bit more about what we were getting ourselves into with Flight - which I now predict will be shown in graduate level social work classes for years to come. Especially in regards to substance abuse.

But it was worth it; it was worth it to pretend that we do not have any kinds of responsibility headed our way. Just us sharing a meal [God bless Texas & its dine-in movie theaters] and a movie.

Thanks for always making time, every week, to date your wife. I know plenty of wives that do not have the fortune that I have to have you. . . But then you would have multiple wives. Although I'd be dying by inches of curiosity to see how you make a date night happen for each of those wives.

But I digress.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 263.

Dear New Husband,

Yet another stressful day. Including me forgetting that a professor that always wanted assignments emailed to him decided he wanted our major paper turned in, a la hard copy.

Which only aided into me turning into a bigger basket case than I already am. Fun times for all to be had. But then you pulled moves like these:

And drove up a copy of my paper to me. You truly saved my behind. You're my sweetheart, darling one.

Thanks for being flexible and being willing to cancel our usual Wednesday night small group plans so I could stay at home, brood, and work on more homework. You have been incredibly considerate during this rough patch of school, work and being sick. So keep on, keeping on. Your love and deep care does not go unnoticed. And I hope that some day you become completely batty so I can return the favor.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 262.

Dear New Husband,

I've been hunched over the computer for far too long today/tonight/all day. Yet another paper is due tomorrow and I am crunching it down to the wire on this one. I think this might be the most pitiful paper I have written in all of graduate school. 

Which makes sense because its a counseling, therapy focused paper and my concentration is not in counseling. Woof. But oh well - pushing forward for the great goal of a Master's, which is so close to being in my grasp.

Thanks for being supportive and not being too upset when I fly off the handle and meltdown into the shell of a normal, functioning human being. You deserve awards, parades and as much Reese's as a stomach can hold. Thanks for always trying to cheerlead me onto success.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 261.

Dear New Husband,

Longest day ever? Almost. It definitely does not beat all the quality time we spent traveling to Central Asia. But, getting up at 5 am is for the birds. Let the record show: I do not enjoy early mornings.

Plus I really did not enjoy that we had to take two separate flight patterns to get home. Things that happen when you book flights with your frequent flier miles. Le sigh. But, you didn't miss much. As I slept on all two of my flights. I didn't even put my tray down for drink service, that's how tired I was. That's almost unheard of! 

Because if I'm paying for a flight, then I am getting that 'free' drink that I have rightfully earned by paying $25 for my checked bag!!!

Thankful you got an earlier flight home. Thankful you take care of me when I feel incredibly dreadful. Thankful that you clean up when I am so exhausted/sick. You da best. As per usual.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 260.

Dear New Husband,

Its hard to believe that we are headed back to the Texas heat again tomorrow morning. Wait, let me rephrase that.

We are headed back to the Texas heat in the pitch black early morning hours that make grown men weep. Ugh.

This has been such a good trip - especially for me. Its nice to be able to log this time in with all your family; I know that to them I may still be a bit of a mystery. But the good news is that I think I'm still a bit of a mystery to you as well #womanprobs

Seriously. This trip has meant a lot to me and I know it has for you too - I hope it has meant as much to them. Despite me diving off to work on my paper(s) and my sinuses collapsing into themselves like a dying star.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 259.

Dear New Husband,

We celebrated Christmas with your family today and decorated Christmas cookies.

And the Pokes lost in OT in Bedlam.

You win two, you lose one.

C'est la vie.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 258.

Dear New Husband,

I truly enjoyed an evening/day out with your family at Busch Gardens - but it seriously feels so weird that its Christmas already. I mean, sure Thanksgiving was yesterday and we're celebrating Christmas with your family tomorrow, but that's not what I mean.

What I mean is that I cannot believe that this year is almost over, that its almost Christmas. WHAT. Weren't we just getting married yesterday? Weren't you just proposing last week? Weren't we just emailing back and forth about engagement rings; both awkwardly excited about what it all meant? Weren't we just going on our first date? HOW DOES TIME MOVE SO QUICKLY.

Despite the fact that I'm starting to freak myself out that 2012 is almost over, I truly did enjoy time with your family today. I enjoyed every minute of getting to be part of your story.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 257.

Dear New Husband,

Stuffed. To. The. Brim. I truly enjoyed my first official holiday [As in a day when the banks are closed] as part of your family.

Granted, there was a bit of tears, because change is hard. It doesn't necessarily mean that change is bad, its just different than from what I have known for the last 25 years. Its not the same, but I'm so glad you understand that. And understand how I worry about everyone else.

More importantly, we participated in Black Friday shopping with your seeeester. Well. Can you still call it Black Friday shopping if you go at 9 pm on a Thursday night? But it yielded fruitful results. Sure, we had to wait in line for 30 minutes, but it wasn't as horrible as I expected. However, I think its because we went to Target and everyone knows that Target is where dreams come true and everyone is polite and kind. Not like that heathen store Wal-Mart! I'M LOOKING AT YOU SAM WALTON.

But I digress.

Thanks for trying to understand and for knowing that the remedy was bargain hunting through a stack of DVDs and Blu-Rays.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 256.

Dear New Husband,


I love birthdays and hate keeping secrets. So I am so glad I can shout it from the rooftops what I got you for your birthday.

So happy 26th, darling one. I treasure these moments and times with you and I'm so glad your family gets to share in your birthday with you. You add joy, love, companionship and so much laughter to my life. Thank you for being you and being a man of your word.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 255.

Dear New Husband,

A long long long day. Its amazing how hungry you get when you have breakfast at 5 am. And amazing how tired you get when you wake up at 4:30 am.

But I'm thankful that we are here with your family and enjoying time with them. Despite the fact I feel as though I am 80 years old and need to take 5 naps today.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 254.

Dear New Husband,

I'm so glad you didn't have class, so that way you could spend your evening at home and help finish up all the things I could not finish up before we leave for Virginia tomorrow morning for Thanksgiving.

And thank goodness you did, because I do not know how I would have accomplished all the things that needed accomplishing without you. You are always da best. Thanks for being you, for being 'efficient' and for always asking what needs to be done; most importantly, doing whatever that thing is without complaining or whining, even when I know its not your most favorite thing(s) to do.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 253.

Dear New Husband,

I am so blessed to have a man that will take me to the zoo so I can spend the afternoon watching otters swim around. Because I have a ridiculous obsession with these precious, adorable mammals.


Plus, you even tried, beforehand, to get the zoo to allow me back there to play with the otters, possibly feed them and/or swim with them. WHAT. Turns out, the zoo doesn't even allow their otter handlers close to them, so it feels as natural of a habitat as possible for these precious, adorable, noisy, stinky, and playful animals.

Thanks for trying to make my otter dreams come true. And thanks for not thinking its weird that an adult is so obsessed with a furry animal.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 252.

Dear New Husband,

A busy busy day. To say the least. Getting up at 7 am on a Saturday is definitely not my love language. Its probably my hate language. But I'm happy to do it so I can work alongside you and help with yet another packing event.

Its a joy to be able to invite people along for the ride that is our job's. But I have to admit. I'm so sleepy/tired. The drool on the couch cushions from the nap(s) I have taken today prove that.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 251.

Dear New Husband,

A day that started out with us getting spend time together this morning; three cheers for all your comp time that you have that you have to take now! Hip hip hooray!

Then. An evening where we were just going to go out for burgers. And we ended up going to Trader Joe's, Gap, and seeing Argo and splitting a meal. And getting a text from a favorite o' mine that she is engaged. A solid evening to be sure.

Its so nice to have time together; time to actually enjoy each other's company in the midst of how busy we are, how the holidays are literally around the corner - this inevitably means that we are more busy. A good busy, but busy still the same.

Then throw in that its my last semester of graduate school and you're in grad school and we're both ridiculously busy at work. . . I have no clue how we function on a regular basis.

So impressed by you and the man you are; I truly married up.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 250.

Dear New Husband,

Those Red Lobster Crabfest commercials finally got to us, as we spent the evening enjoying one pound of crab legs and other treats from the sea. Hubba.

I'm not usually a huge fan of Red Lobster, as I have all those obnoxious beliefs about supporting local businesses, etc. etc. But that was pretty enjoyable. So cheers to you, R. Lobs for a splendid date night. And you, El Huz for a splendid date night. Followed by a viewing of the movie Date Night.

What more could I ask for?! But seriously, it was a nice evening not talking about school, work, and everything else that is causing us to stress out. Thanks for forcing me to not focus on how overwhelmed we both are and to instead, focus on how blessed we are to have each other.

And to have Crabfest.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 249.

Dear New Husband,

A full day for the both of us. My day filled with school, your day filled with the end of the year newsletter we send out. It seems we are two chickens. Just running around with our heads cut off.

Which is probably a bad thing because hey, if we're both missing our heads, who can see where we're going?

Did I take the metaphor too far?. . . Yeah. Probably.

Our busy lives is another sign the holidays and the end of the year is nigh. But in the midst of this overwhelmingly busy season in our lives, I'm thankful that you willingly help out with so much so I don't have to do all of this stuff by myself. Because we all know what would inevitably happen there: I would deny I had anything to do until the last minute and then emotionally destroy myself trying to get everything done.

Oh my. I am truly a horribly time managing human being.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 248.

Dear New Husband,

Pretty sure this was not how I imagined our evening together would go. But then. Oh then. I came home only to be slapped in the face with what I can now describe as: 'The death of an animal that has been held captive in a baby diaper full of Indian food.'

You have been incredibly kind by moving the stove and the fridge for us [Rather, you actually! You have been so diligent in cleaning!] to clean behind them. We have deep cleaned almost everything possible, including the garbage disposal and still our kitchen smells rotten.

So here's hoping there isn't a dead Mickey [This is the name I'm giving to the potential dead mouse that may have laid himself to rest in one of our walls] and that this last ditch attempt to clean the dishwasher proves to be fruitful.

Otherwise, you should probably buy me about 28 candles for Christmas. Preferably my favorite ones from Anthropologie. 

Thanks for taking on projects, like discovering what is secreting a horrible smell, for being so diligent in the small things and being incredibly handy with fridges, stoves and dishwashers.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 247.

Dear New Husband,

On Mondays I feel as though I don't have much to write about, since we don't spend much time together on Mondays.

But here's the good news: I still love you. We're still married. And we both think the overtime rules for the NFL are dumb.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 246.

Dear New Husband,

I am writing this post earlier than usual because. . . Well. I'm tired. And you're tired as well, so I imagine come my normal time of posting these letters, we will both be asleep.

We get the chance to do pretty cool things and travel to pretty cool places. But my favorite is when people volunteer to work with us; volunteers might be some of my favorite people of all time. They freely give of time and resources and usually have such sweet dispositions and serving hearts. Today was no exception as a church volunteered their time and resources to pack meals and seeds for those who desperately need it.

Our feet, our muscles, our spirits, our minds - they're all tired. But I know my heart is full as I see so many people and families that care so much about people they will never meet.

We have the greatest jobs.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 245.

Dear New Husband,

Happy 8 month anniversary to you, dear one! It is warmer today, in November, than it was on our wedding day. In March. Sheesh.

We celebrated with a decided Oklahoma State victory and you went to go help set up for a packing event that our organization is hosting this weekend. It finished off with another meal shared at Chuy's. Additionally, we made it a Blockbuster night. We rented a dud, that we couldn't even make it through, and a success.

Truly, I enjoy a rented movie at home with you. With our things, our life, our stuff. . . Plus, we get to mercilessly mock whatever is happening. Who doesn't love at home heckling?! I know I do.

I love you more today than I did 8 months ago,
Your New Wife.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 244.

Dear New Husband,

Definitely a busy day for me and for you. You prepared for a packing event for our organization at a local church. I made cookies and dinner for a favorite couple o' ours that is adjusting to having a new member in their family.

Then. Oh, then. We went to the opera Aida. What is not to love? Doomed lovers that are an Ethiopian princess and an Egyptian general. I'll admit the production value was a little 'meh' when you consider the grand scale of ancient Egypt, but that's okay. Still worth it. A very moving opera. Plus, at the end, they brought the conductor on stage for a round of applause from the packed house. I wish more operas did that; conducting on that grand of a scale is not for the faint of heart. . . My identity as daughter of a band nerd is showing.

I appreciate that the value of art and music was instilled in me by my parents, and that the willingness to try anything once, within reason, was instilled in you by your parents. Makes our lives much more diverse and exciting.

Thanks for dating your wifey.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 243.

Dear New Husband,

After being so busy at work this week, you took today off. Which I fully support. Fully. And I'm so thankful you stayed at home. First, because you really needed that time off. Second, you got so much done around our apartment to prepare for our friends coming over tonight.

You even cut up the spaghetti squash - because I literally cannot chop that gourd.

Thanks for trying to be as engaged as possible with our friends, despite the very close Virginia Tech football game that was on. And thanks for being just as enthusiastic as I was as I used Borax on almost every cleanable surface. It is truly exciting to see our bathtub that clean. And our disposal that clean. And our toilets that clean. . .

Oh gosh. I've gotten old. I'm excited over a new cleaning agent to clean surfaces in our apartment.

Send help. And chocolate.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 242.

Dear New Husband,

Tonight was spent gathering Christmas presents for your family [As we're celebrating Christmas with them when we get to Virginia for Thanksgiving] - and I have to say it was a wild success.

I have to admit, I'm a list person. I am a list maker. I am organized. I am tediously boring at times. So not being able to shop from a list is difficult for me, but I'm proud of the creativity that innately came out.

Let's all high five.

Thanks for laughing just as hard as me at a book full of meerkats, and being wildly entertained by my vast knowledge of nerdy things - like who composes music for movie soundtracks. This is just a by-product of having your Dad be a band nerd. But I'm glad these are things you enjoy about me, because these are things I enjoy about myself. I know a lot of random trivia that may not seem valuable to others, but it is valuable to me. I may not know anything about physics, but I know who made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.

Thanks for being the Mitchell to my Cam.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 241.

Dear New Husband,

A late night for us [Since we're old grownups who have jobs and cannot stay up past 11 pm and function for the mornings] as we watch the ending of another Presidential Election race.

No matter what either of our beliefs our [Because while similar, they still contain a multitude of differences] its incredible to know that no tanks, bombs, wars, riots, etc. broke out because of the election last night. That we peaceably accept the outcome of the election. Furthermore, its incredibly humbling that we get to vote and know that our vote gets counted. And that I, as a woman, can go vote without worry of being jailed, beaten or oppressed for doing so.

I am humbled by the fact that we get to live the United States, when we have been so many places where the last paragraph is not a reality. We get to live a good life - even when we disagree with the politics of our nation, we enjoy freedoms so many others do not.

Including the right to not be judged for eating leftovers three times this week.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 240.

Dear New Husband,

A day that started with us seeing my Marmee off as she headed back home - I always hate it when we have to part. Bummer. 

A day that contained two papers for me and a test for you. BIG bummer.

A day that contained dinner of delicious leftovers. Yay!

And now a day that is ending with Monday Night Football and watching last night's Once Upon a Time. BIG yay!

Glad neither of us have class tonight, and instead we can recover from a very busy and enjoyable weekend.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 239.

Dear New Husband,

I loved getting an extra hour of sleep this morning, but it proves to be a very confusing evening as I remain convinced that it is almost midnight, rather than almost 11 pm. But I digress.

I enjoyed a day with you, cheering on my amazing Aunt as she accomplished such a huge milestone - walking 60 miles in 3 Days. She did it for my Marmee, but its amazing to see how many other women benefit from her commitment. A very inspiring day that makes me feel very life affirmed about what we get to do for a job: We get to impact people's lives [Hopefully!] for the better. What. In. The. Crazy.

Also, let us not forget about the fabulous lunch we had downtown. Brunch next weekend? Also also, re-watching Dowton Abbey with my Marmee reminds me how awesome this show is. Is it January yet?

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 238.

Dear New Husband,

My Marmee taught me how to make roast beef and took us out for frozen yogurt.

My OK State Cowboys lost.

You win some, you lose some.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 237.

Dear New Husband,

Well. I spent the day pawing through other people's trinkets, collectibles and antiques with my Marmee and our dear friend. It. Was. Awesome. And incredibly exhausting. Fortunately for you and for our bank account, it was so overwhelming, that I only purchased one item. 

I appreciated the quality time with these two women, but I'm not going to lie: I was definitely excited to come home and take my shoes off.

I even more enjoyed watching "How to Steal a Million" with you and my Marmee tonight. One of the few Audrey Hepburn movies that I had not seen, nor had my Marmee, and now I'm so glad I have seen it. Even more glad that you enjoyed a classic movie with one of my favorite actresses. Always a treat.

Thanks for being you and always supporting your wife going on a 'junk hunt.'

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 236.

Dear New Husband,

A very full, frustrating, yet somehow affirming day at work for me. As hard as it is to hear difficult news, it is also very nice to hear someone be straight with me. It sets me up to know how to face the challenges ahead; because the best offense knows what the defense is doing. Or something sports-like similar to that sentiment.

Additionally, we got to make dinner for my Marmee and hang out with my fab Aunt before she starts the Komen 3-Day walk. Moments like these make me wish we lived closer to my family. I could get used to nights like these.

I love you,
Your New Wife.