Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 70.

Dear New Husband,

What a day of herding cats. Well, not really herding cats - we're not taking cats with us on our trip. Because that'd just be silly. And I'm allergic. But figuring out how to organize the circus of things we need for ourselves and things we've been requested to bring has been a little WOOF

However, ending the evening with a Mat Kearney concert after meeting him (What the heck?!) was awesome. We are so blessed by friends. And you did so great meeting him. You thought you were just going to stay back in the corner, sipping on your Dos Equis like the Most Interesting Man in the World. But you actually spoke with him! You said "I really like your music." I was there! I heard it!! But what we really should've said was "We played one of your songs at our wedding" and then he would've totally done a shout out to us. At least we're delusional enough to believe that.

Thank you for being able to still love me despite the grumpies and anxieties. You're the best. Around. Nothing's ever gonna keep you down!. . . Karate Kid moment. You feelin' that jam? Well, you're probably not feelin' that jam because you're pretty much asleep.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

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