Isn't it so exciting to see what love and money can do? Watching all of those kiddos climb around on a playground just makes you want to stand up to lions of injustice everywhere. But not until we have a crepe stuffed with potatoes. And a side of orange Fanta. Both necessities.
Seeing your kindness towards kids is just a small reminder of why I love you. And in 10 years when we have our own littles, I'm excited that they will have you to look up to. Mainly because I expect them to get my height.
Thanks for finally coming around that Friends is funny, but I know you need dude time. So I appreciate you going and watching some NBA with Forrest, while I ate peanut M&M's with Jenn and Emily. Despite us spending wonderful quality time together, we both need our 'gender' time. I'm so glad you understand that and don't think its weird. Or make jokes about us pillow fighting. Thanks for not being misogynistic.
I love you,
Your New Wife.
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