Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 340.

Dear New Husband,

It has been another long, yet productive day, as we both continue to crank out projects for work. And you also have the productivity of your class tonight.

In addition to that, I realized how bad I smelled thus needing to take a shower. Overshare? Maybe. But I hope everyone that admires my style, hair or me [Which lets face it - that one is pretty slim to none. I'm not delusional enough to think I have throngs of admirers. I do, after all, complain about almost everything] knows that my hair is pretty because it is washed intermittently. And my style comes from whatever is clean. And my personality comes from being raised by nerds, and realizing that if you're going to be 5'2", you better find something to offer to make up for your obvious lack of athletics.

So there you go, dear one. There's the recipe to finding another me, should I die from lack of showering or from getting into a car accident because I'm too busy smelling how dirty my hair is.

Ya welcome.

I love you,
Your New and Occasionally Hygiene Deficient Wife.

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