Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 204.

Dear New Husband,

I truly enjoyed our 'man' date to the golfing range. Even though it is painfully obvious to you and to everyone within a 5 foot radius [It would be a larger radius, but I can't hit the ball that far] that I have no clue what I'm doing. Oh well. Pass the brews and the club sandwiches.

At least I try. Plus! Did you notice I was the only girl who wasn't pouting that she was there? The only girl who was enjoying herself and making comments on the sports games that were on?! Congratulations.

Thanks for being you and for taking me on weird adventures I had no clue I would ever enjoy.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 203.

Dear New Husband,

Fall has finally arrived to our consistently 90-100 degrees city. I welcome this pouring rain, and chilly temperatures - I need a legit reason for the candy corn and autumnal scented candles/air freshner I have been purchasing. 

But what a nice day - pouring rain, I got a mani/pedi and much needed girl time with one of my favorites, we had a great date night.

But what an awful sports day - Pokes lose, Hokies lose. It would almost be too much to bear. But when you are an Oklahoma State Cowboys fan, you are intrepid. You carry on, despite your tattered dignity and the deep sigh that emerges when you pull the OK State cup down from your cabinet to get a drink of water. Sigh.

A true sign college football season has started, we are both emotionally strained from our teams. Oh well. We get to commiserate, and yet still we had a great day.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 202.

Dear New Husband,

Again, another hectic day at work together. Despite the fact that it was Friday. What the heck?. . . I know have just thought of the joke "Adam & Liz - putting the heck in hectic since September 27th!!"

I know. Just let me have this one.

But I love having our friends over, to hang out, play games and just enjoy their company. I never really thought I liked having people over - What I mean is that I am a type A control freak. In the worst kind of way. And it used to bother me thinking of people pilfering through our things, messing up my home. But did you know that people actually don't do that when they come over?! I don't know where my ideas come from or where I come up with them. It just happens.

As much as I hate to admit it - it is kind of amazing that you have such a long winning streak with Settlers of Catan. Its impressive. And obnoxious. Like the SEC in football.

But I still love you.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 201.

Dear New Husband,

Full day of work, for the both of us. Again I will say it, fall seems like the busiest time for our organization. 

And then you were the diligent man you are and went to play in your intramural soccer game - despite being tired from a day of school and work, and despite the 9:15 pm start time. As much as I would have liked you home for the premiere evening of TV, I'm glad I was able to sob and yell at Grey's Anatomy in private. Once again, I think I am going to quit that show and it reels me back in. I skipped all of last season - then stinking Netflix. Ugh. But I digress.

Thank you for being you - for being diligent and faithful in the little things. It shows so much of your character. 

And thanks for being gone while I sob over fictional characters. Kthanksbye.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 200.

Dear New Husband,

To celebrate our 200th day of marriage, we went to Ikea and had ice cream!

Okay. Actually. We didn't go to Ikea to celebrate our 200th day of marriage. We went to get a new plastic bag holder [Note: The command strips that come with those things do not travel well], buy some unexpected Christmas decorations and spend 'free' quality time together. Some much needed quality time together.

I know we spend a lot of time together, but this evening was different. Its actually having conversations than sharing a show together; watching you get so out of control excited for the Ikea 360 shopping carts and enjoying reveling in the idea of celebrating our first Christmas together as a married pair. 

Thanks for making me and our relationship a priority - even in the most simple of ways.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 199.

Dear New Husband,

I love Tuesday evenings because I get to spend them with you. Dinner with you. Spending a belated wedding gift card with you; which I'm really glad you have the patience with me as I peruse a large box store, clutching a gift card and a 20% off my entire purchase coupon as I debate what to use our gift monies on.

Even more important, when we saw that huge car accident tonight - my immediate thought was: "We need to pull over and help" and you pulled over to help without my insistence. This is one of the reasons I am so glad I married you - you do not think twice to help others. What a hunk.

AND! I finally got you to watch Once Upon a Time - which you really enjoyed. Or at least convinced me that you did. Well, you did ask to watch one more episode. I'd call that a win. Tiger. Pump.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 198.

Dear New Husband,

As you were at work/school all day and I was at school, we only get a couple of hours together on Monday nights. And I love tonight's couple of hours together - specifically, chatting about my policy class and, naturally, NFL replacement refs.

The NFL is finally dramatic enough for me to watch - remind me again why no one likes replacement refs? They are so dramatic and exciting to watch! Viva la replacement refs!! Gosh, its just so exciting.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 197.

Dear New Husband,

As much as I enjoyed Oktoberfest, I did miss having you there. But I know you need your 'dude' time, but I hope you realize you truly missed out on the most precious thing ever: Dachshund Dash.

It was genuinely odd not having there while exploring German beers, brats, and kettle corn; I am so used to having you by my side that I would think of some joke to make and instead of telling you, I told one of our friends. Not that they don't appreciate my humor and insight into a German festival; but its just always more fun with you.

But it was fun being a faux single lady for an afternoon. Let's be honest. However, you were definitely missed.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 196.

Dear New Husband,

As I continue to labor over this Christmas tree skirt that was labeled 'easy' it makes me feel as though I should go to the back of the class. Or at least punch the maker of the pattern for this tree skirt.

But again, a sweet Saturday with you. Especially getting to have dinner together in our home. Again, I try a new recipe and I knock it out the park. Here's to you brown sugar and garlic for tasting so delicious together! Huzzah!

I enjoy these days with you and I hope you know that I cherish this slow moving time we can actually get together. You da best, El Huz.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 195.

Dear New Husband,

People often reference married people as boring. Particularly the fact that we're married and are staying in on a Friday night. In our defense, this is the first Friday night we've had free in a while and the last Friday night we'll have free for a while. Actually, this is one of the more free weekends that we have had in quite some time.

And well, we can be boring. We'd much rather stay at home, eating 20 wings [10 of which were free. I don't know how we keep getting this kind of stuff], watching Silence of the Lambs and then two episodes of the BBC Sherlock series on Netflix while I cut up fabric for a Christmas tree skirt. But this fits us - and this is the much deserved relaxing time we have been needing at home.

Although I'm not sure watching crime thrillers quantifies as relaxing, but to us it is. . . We should probably see someone about that. But hey, we travel. We've been to Central Asia and Paris in the last year! We're exciting people. 


When we feel like it.

Thanks for a full life and a slow life filled with nothing but crafts, wings, and beer [See how I tried to butch it up for you? Think everyone bought it?]

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 194.

Dear New Husband,

I didn't really get to see you today/tonight - although I really appreciated us trying to go grab lunch together when you quickly realized, after ordering our lunches, that you had class at 1 pm. Whoops. But I appreciate the effort of trying to have time together this afternoon, since we would not get it tonight, per your Thursday night soccer games.

But, as much as I love you, it was nice to have time to myself at home. I love date nights, and I love you - but it is so nice to have time alone. It was glorious pulling together the things I needed to get done for tomorrow. Glorious, I tell you. Brilliant, I say.

And then, ending the evening by getting frozen yogurt [Let's get three cheers for the BOGO frozen yogurt coupons that keep coming our way. Especially for blood orange yogurt. Hubba] and appeasing my need to get fake mini pumpkins and chalk to tie up some decorating odds and ends in our little home.

I just love the crazy out of you and the love and dedication you pour into our marriage.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 193.

Dear New Husband,

A hectic, crazy day, as is any day when either of us or both of us have to go to class. But it was so nice to sit next to you, surrounded by the little community we've found in this bustling metropolis, and watch the sun go down and be next to a little fire pit. 

Complete with s'mores made from jumbo marshmallows. Which, as it turns out, sounds wonderful and tastes wonderful but makes you look like you've never eaten a s'more before. 

This is a sweet life and I'm thankful when, on very rare occasions, it seems to slow down for us.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 192.

Dear New Husband,

I had an accomplished day at the office and then I got to go out on a date with you. Solid.

I mean, what is truly more fun than watching Finding Nemo, in 3D no less!, and being the only adults that pretty much laughed at all of the little kid jokes? And then coming home and beating you at Wii Bowling. Truly a highlight to our 'kid' date night. But to be fair, I won one and you won one.

Thanks for dating your wife and for always being up for the fun adventures that I always want to take you on. You da best.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 191.

Dear New Husband,

You truly have the longest day on Mondays. You get up at 7:30. . . ish. You take a shower. You have a bowl of cereal. You kiss your sleepy wife who has fallen asleep, yet again, wearing her glasses. You drive to work and have a very long day at work consisting of a lot of work [Fall seems to be our busiest season with our organization]. Then, you go to class until about 10 pm.

You realize that you're gone for about 14 hours from our home, right? Pretty ridiculous. But I'm so proud of all you do and deeply respect all the work you put into work, school, and us. Its a lot. Believe me. I know from personal experience. So I know I tell you thank a lot, and I'm going to tell you thank you again. Because you deserve the praise for just being you, because all of this hard work is just who you are; my hard working, dedicated, committed little engineer.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 190.

Dear New Husband,

A very productive and fun Sunday for us. I finished the outline for my integrative paper, you are almost finished with putting finish on my [Our? Is it really ours if it only holds my clothes??] dresser. The drawers already look fantastic, I can't wait to see the finished product.

Then, a fun time with all time favorites of ours. Despite the crappy ending of the movie, I had a great time and a great break from outline and paper writing.

This is a sweet life that we live and I love it so dearly. Thank you for making my life full and always adding joy to my day.

I love you dearly,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 189.

Dear New Husband,

A difficult loss for your beloved Hokies today. But the redeeming factor is that we had a delicious supper [Thanks to my sweet Marmee's chicken-in-a-crock-pot recipe that tastes like home to me], painted the drawers to provide a facelift to my college dresser, and had a wonderful evening at church. I'm quite the fan of Saturday night church. Its nice to have Sunday to be lazy. Or in our case, do homework that we have been intentionally neglecting.

May you always trust how much I love you, care for you and want to be a sounding board for you. I didn't sign up to be a social worker because I don't enjoy listening to people talk and processing with me; one might say I do that for a living. And enjoy it. If you catch my drift. I love you dearly and appreciate the man you are and are going to be.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 188.

Dear New Husband,

Despite sitting through rain and chilly weather to watch high school football. I had so much fun with you this evening. Plus, we got to hang out with one of my all time, hands down favorites. Always a plus.

I'm so glad we have sporting events in common. Except golf. And tennis. I cannot get behind those messes. Unless you have either of those things on so I can take a nap on a Sunday afternoon. Its not even about them being athletic or anything like that - its just. so. boring. But I'm getting a little soap-boxey here. Which is never the point of these letters.

The point of these letters are to remind us of our first year of marriage, of how difficult it is, how much hard work it is, but how sweet it is - and daily reminders of how nutso your wife is, but how much she truly loves you.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 187.

Dear New Husband,

After feeling like the worst wife because I haven't ever seen you play in your intramural soccer league [And the fact that because I went to a concert last night, we haven't really spent much time together this week] I went to go watch you play. Unfortunately, I had to bring homework/work with me. Bummerz.

But I did see you assist and you guys won! Hip hip! AND, I got to dump cold water on you to help you celebrate your win - just like football! Granted, I poured that cold water on you while you were in the shower, but that's just splitting hairs. It still counts.

Then. Oh then. I called the line for three of the games you picked on your blog [Read it here]. I really have such marvelous and diverse talents; none of which include athleticism. Or cooking. But we are intrepid - we carry on despite the lack of athleticism or cooking talents. Besides, you get fed anyway. Somehow. I'm still not sure how we get fed. Probably my best trick of all!

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 186.

Dear New Husband,

We didn't really get to spend time together or even see each other today, mainly because of work, school and my attendance to the Missy Higgins concert with some dear gal pals, but I love that you like it when I have nights like this of fun times out without you.

That sounds weird, but I think you understand my sentiments of that I love you.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 185.

Dear New Husband,

I. Love. Productive. Evenings.

I love having you at home and available for errands. Which included putting all of our new bedroom gear together to find out just how fabulous it is to get belated wedding gift monies:

As well as using up the last of our Crate & Barrel money [Despite my extreme disappointment that there wasn't a serving platter that was darling enough to replace the one that broke as a casualty of our move], some very filling custard, and picking out paint at Home Depot at 9:30 at night so I can paint my college dresser and your Ikea end tables this weekend.

I truly love pulling our little home together with you - this might be a new love language. We should research and explore that. You know. For scientific purposes.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 184.

Dear New Husband,

Six. Whole. Months. I still cannot believe it has been six months - that somehow seems so long and too short. 

I've enjoyed this journey with you and seeing how our lives unfold as we work together to come alongside people and make their burdens a little lighter. Thank you for continuing to challenge me to rise up to my potential and be a tougher, more strong fighter than I already am; because stubborn-ness and strength aren't necessarily the same things. Thanks for being weird enough to be married to me, and sane enough for us to pretend to be normal.

And I know no matter where we may roam, it is you that is my home.

I love you more today than yesterday,
Your New Wife.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 183.

Dear New Husband,

As much as I enjoyed our stay at a sweet little Bed & Breakfast in Granbury, I really hate awkward chit chat with complete strangers. Why can't I be American this one time and have a private table where I don't have to talk to anyone? Mornings are so terrible anyways, why do I have to talk about weather and Tex-Mex food with a couple that we still don't know what their story is. For the record, I still think engaged. But an odd dynamic.

I really hope they're not cheating on their spouses at such a sweet B&B. Oh well. But I enjoyed the ride back, listening to my favorite Bossypants person ever: Tina Fey. Audiobooks are truly lost on the masses. What's better than being read to by a snarky, hilarious, lady? Nothing. Except for a small child with a speech impediment reading Harry Potter books: Gwiffendor. Wavenclaw.

I'm so glad we have friends that make me feel like I have great things ahead. And that shut down Pei Wei with us. The 16-year-old inside me feels so rebellious: "I shut down a Pei Wei this weekend, what did you morons do?" Yikes.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 182.

Dear New Husband,

Despite the serious sinus troubles I'm experiencing [I've taken 4 sinus congestion/headache pills today & still have a blazing headache. . . Why does my head weigh so much?! And why does all the snot in my body want to collect in places that it shouldn't collect in?!] I had such a fun time with you 'brave soldiering' around Granbury. Despite feeling comatose and slightly unaware of what was happening for most of the day, I enjoyed a little getaway with you; exploring a town square, having a nice meal and watching Elizabethtown. Also, who knew Kirsten Dunst could play such an annoying character? So annoying you fell asleep before me. What the crazy?

As a social worker, I know how important self care is [Soapbox: Sometimes, you need to be selfish. And I don't think its selfish to take some time out for yourself so you can work hard and school hard. . . Yeah. School hard. Deal with it] and this little getaway was just the ticket. Thanks for being you.

I love you & I love going to bed early,
Your New Wife.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 181.

Dear New Husband,

An eventful Friday, for sure. But overall, I love attending weddings with you. I liked weddings before I got married and now after being married, I enjoy them even more.

I even more enjoy weddings where we both really hit it out of the park in the looks department. I would like to think we both brought our A game tonight and will be recycling said outfits for future 'good looking' endeavors. Two total babes.

I hope you know how much I love you - even when I'm weeping my head off about things that I cannot change.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 180.

Dear New Husband,

Again, sickly Liz has taken up residence on our couch. Desiring nothing but chicken bouillon, ice cream and episodes of Gossip Girl on Netflix.

And then, stubborn Liz takes over and goes out and buys pillow shams and work clothes. And then comes home exhausted because she forced herself to get better before she was actually better. Rats.

Needless to say, I can't believe I am sick again. I know I've said it before, but I thought it warranted being said again. But I'm glad that you come home to me no matter how sick I am, while, somehow still agreeing to take care of me yet again. Even more amazing is that you come home and help me finish up decorating our home so our narcissistic wall of us looks a little more complete. . . Granted, its not completely finished, but it is more close to being finished than when I got up this morning!

We're so cute. And so close to being finished with this project. So we're pretty close to having a party and inviting all of our friends over to see our masterpiece.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 179.

Dear New Husband,

This might be a weird thing to talk about on here, but I think its worth the weirdness. . . My immune system blows. What the heck is going on?! I think my body just hates summer. I have had some sort of ailment for most of the summer. I mean, this is out of hand. What gives with this sinus business? 

But lets face it, I've been pretty Norma Rae all day today. Some days, the world just cheeses me off with injustices and I find it to be my personal responsibility to stand up to those lions of injustice. Which includes my immune system.

Anyway, I hope you know I love you, even when I am planning on how to write all the wrongs I see in every place I encounter and get fed up with what is considered 'standard.' And that I can quickly talk you into seeing Celeste & Jesse Forever, and buying Les Miserables tickets. I still don't know how I managed to do that. Especially considering the shirt I'm currently wearing has snot droppings on it.

Too much info? Then just scratch that last part out.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 178.

Dear New Husband,

I've had a weird day. Well. Not weird. Just reflective. 

First, it was reflecting on a job I've had for 3 years and how I've seen that job evolve, and mold itself into something amazing. I don't know how I got so blessed and privilege to do the job I do. 

Second, it was reflecting on being engaged, per the engaged co-worker we have leaving our office to go get hitched. That season of life was pretty miserable. Everyone makes it sound like it is a joyous time. Yeah, it is. But it is so full with plans and whirly gigs and hulabaloo and putting out emotional fires [Either mine or others'] on a daily basis. Plus, the weight of wanting to be married; of wanting this new season to come charging in, while trying to make sure everyone involved with our wedding felt loved, cared for and had attention paid to them. It was exhausting. I still remember all the tears that were shed from August 2011 - March 2012 regarding our wedding planning/work/graduate school/saying goodbye to being single.

And then I remember the joy on the evening of March 11th when we arrived to our bed & breakfast, tucked away in Sonoma wine country, realizing that it was all worth it. Because I had you to be my partner for life.

Everyday, it is worth it.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 177.

Dear New Husband,

Any week day that you usually have grown up/normal society responsibilities that you get a day off of to sleep in, hang out by the pool and just enjoy general merriment is a great day. Here's to you, Labor Day - for giving us a reason to not labor. . . ?

And thank goodness my team won [Well, they won like a cartoon team; such as the Monstars would against other teams from the hit 90's movie Space Jam] and your team won. College football is upon us and it only adds more stress to my final semester of graduate school. So thank goodness both of our stress levels are low to start.

Crisis: Averted.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 176.

Dear New Husband,

A pleasant day indeed. You got to go spend some much needed time with some dudes, I got in a Sunday afternoon nap, awesome coupons and saved us $16.16, with coupons, at the grocery store. Really proud of myself, and I know you're proud of me for saving us money too; its not for the faint of heart. Fortunately, you married a deeply organized and type A wife so you lucked out with her ability to organize coupons and shop for meals.

You're welcome.

And then, bowling. Seriously fun, with seriously fun friends. And I somehow didn't gutter ball every shot. But what a great day we had. I feel incredibly blessed by how much fun/greatness we have had together lately. It is truly sweet to get in time together when I know our busy semesters will keep us from such fun. Know that I cherish all this sweet quality time with you and with others.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 175.

Dear New Husband,

Today, was a great day.

First. We got cable today so we could watch college football. Which we have been glued to as if we have been deprived. Which lets face it, we have been. I mean, yesterday I watched Oklahoma State football highlight videos. Yikes.

Second. We got to spend the day with my aunt & uncle. Such a fun and relaxing Saturday. Plus, you got to see how awesome I looked at 12 years old. Such a ham. I mean, I worked that cowlick and bangs.

Third. And probably most importantly: Oklahoma State won its season opener. Granted, it was kind of pathetic. I wish we played better teams for our season openers rather than winning 84-0. I'm not saying I wish we would lose, but I wish we played someone a little more challenging. But hey. A win is a win. 

Fourth. I love you. Which always makes the day great!

I love you,
Your New Wife.