Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 244.

Dear New Husband,

Definitely a busy day for me and for you. You prepared for a packing event for our organization at a local church. I made cookies and dinner for a favorite couple o' ours that is adjusting to having a new member in their family.

Then. Oh, then. We went to the opera Aida. What is not to love? Doomed lovers that are an Ethiopian princess and an Egyptian general. I'll admit the production value was a little 'meh' when you consider the grand scale of ancient Egypt, but that's okay. Still worth it. A very moving opera. Plus, at the end, they brought the conductor on stage for a round of applause from the packed house. I wish more operas did that; conducting on that grand of a scale is not for the faint of heart. . . My identity as daughter of a band nerd is showing.

I appreciate that the value of art and music was instilled in me by my parents, and that the willingness to try anything once, within reason, was instilled in you by your parents. Makes our lives much more diverse and exciting.

Thanks for dating your wifey.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

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