Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 257.

Dear New Husband,

Stuffed. To. The. Brim. I truly enjoyed my first official holiday [As in a day when the banks are closed] as part of your family.

Granted, there was a bit of tears, because change is hard. It doesn't necessarily mean that change is bad, its just different than from what I have known for the last 25 years. Its not the same, but I'm so glad you understand that. And understand how I worry about everyone else.

More importantly, we participated in Black Friday shopping with your seeeester. Well. Can you still call it Black Friday shopping if you go at 9 pm on a Thursday night? But it yielded fruitful results. Sure, we had to wait in line for 30 minutes, but it wasn't as horrible as I expected. However, I think its because we went to Target and everyone knows that Target is where dreams come true and everyone is polite and kind. Not like that heathen store Wal-Mart! I'M LOOKING AT YOU SAM WALTON.

But I digress.

Thanks for trying to understand and for knowing that the remedy was bargain hunting through a stack of DVDs and Blu-Rays.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

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