Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 260.

Dear New Husband,

Its hard to believe that we are headed back to the Texas heat again tomorrow morning. Wait, let me rephrase that.

We are headed back to the Texas heat in the pitch black early morning hours that make grown men weep. Ugh.

This has been such a good trip - especially for me. Its nice to be able to log this time in with all your family; I know that to them I may still be a bit of a mystery. But the good news is that I think I'm still a bit of a mystery to you as well #womanprobs

Seriously. This trip has meant a lot to me and I know it has for you too - I hope it has meant as much to them. Despite me diving off to work on my paper(s) and my sinuses collapsing into themselves like a dying star.

I love you,
Your New Wife.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that :) I had a great time having you there. Wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else!
